Learning to Skate

I picked up skates at the end of 2020. It's been almost 2 years since.

I still suck.

Maybe not as bad as my first day...actually definitely not as bad...

I crab-walked down my whole driveway because I didn't know how to brake 🙈. (Listen, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do 😆).

I'm proud of my growth...and there's a part of me that wishes I were better.

Like I should be jumping off stairs and mastering backwards skating by now! Know what I'm saying? 😏

Yet, I don't ever want to forget why I started this to begin with.

Because it's fun!

That's it. No catch. Full stop.

We don't have to master *everything* we do. Living in joy is enough.

Consider how often you are experiencing joy. That's success in itself.


Letter to My Self:

