Imposter Syndrome

The last half of 2022, I committed to showing up in spaces that I wished to be a part of.
Spaces that seemed bigger than what I had to offer. Spaces that I didn't feel I was ready for.
While I felt a strong pull to expand, I felt so itty bitty & completely out of my element.
Imposter syndrome hit me like a semi truck.
I remember meditating & feeling consumed with thoughts of doubt.

"Why am I here?
These people are way more advanced.
Who do I think I am thinking I could do this?"

Yaaay anxiety!
I moved through my yoga practice, trying to ease the storm of these accusatory thoughts, and then a song played in the back of mind.
(I don't know about you, but there's an in-house DJ always spinning tracks in my mind. You know, setting the soundtrack for my life as I live it.)
The DJ decided it was fitting to play Paramore's "Ain't it Fun" to set the mood, specifically the lines:
"You're not the big fish in the pond no more...
You are what they're feeding on"
And it was.
1) Because I actually really like this song
2) Because a message followed:
You're supposed to feel uncomfortable when you're growing. You're taking risks.
Which means you're right where you're supposed to be.
Growing isn't easy...and it sure isn't pretty.
It's uncomfortable.
And that's natural.
None of us have it together all the time.

I've spent years in training learning how to help others. I've been working professionally as a counselor for 10 years, teaching people how to cope with hard feelings & love themselves.

And the truth is I struggle with applying the same things sometimes, too.
Self-care is imperfect, as we humans are imperfect.
There are days when it's easy. And there are times when even though we *know* the skills, they are hard to actually live out.

There's permission to mess up & still be loving to yourself. That's my hope with the ebook I share with you. That in it you can see you don't have to get it right all the time. That thankfully self-love doesn't require your perfection.
I wanted to share pieces of my work with you so you know you're not on this journey alone.
If you're curious, you can find more info on the "Grow with me" story highlight


The Gift of Receiving