
Friendships bring freedom. Nurturing them will only help you be more of the you you want to be. When you not only pick, but *receive* the right people in your life, your return is tenfold. I emphasize receive because we can think if we ARE a good friend, that should be enough. Yet, being a good friend requires that we receive our friends for who they truly are as well.
In their light. In their messy. In their real. In their shadow.
Accepting doesn't mean agreeing with.
Accepting is about recognizing and seeing you for who you are. (Cue Avatar reference 👽 *I see you*).
And when we see each ain't always pleasant.
A good friend, with true concern, corrects and challenges.
A good friend becomes vulnerable in telling you they need more from you in the friendship.
A good friend comforts. And a good friend confronts.
A good friend will be there. And a good friend will not be there because they have limits.
There's a common adage that you are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with.
Who are your people?
How do you invest in nurturing those relationships you want to keep in your life?
As we mature and grow, our relationships must grow too.
It's less about convenience or who is easily accessible. It's more about who you *want* in your life because they bring out the best in you.
How to invest in friendships? Consider this:
•Be direct.
Tell the person you want to be their friend. Define what that means.
•Be intentional.
Set up times *on purpose* to meet regularly, whether it be on video call or in person. But meet regularly! Monthly, quarterly...Schedule it. Friendships don't just happen.
•Be purposeful.
Know your limits on time, social energy, mental space and communicate those! Having boundaries allows more space to pour into your friendships more freely.
I'm curious which one is most challenging for you...mostly because I'm nosey 😁.
Friendship brings freedom.
Have the courage to invest in what allows you to be free...even if that means being free to be nosey lol.


The Gift of Receiving


Welcome 2023!